




街舞的动作优美随意,最吸引人之处是 以全身的活力带来热情澎湃的感觉,也 能使现场气氛热烈。 

Foreign hip-hop Hip-hop movement beautifully casual, the most attractive place is the body’s vitality brought passion feeling, but also make the atmosphere warm.


最初,拉丁的音乐和舞蹈是人们庆祝胜 利或丰收的一种表达方式,后来渐渐发 展为年轻人相互表达爱慕之情的一种方 法,令人无法抗拒的魅力终使拉丁舞风 靡世界。 

Foreign Latin dance performances Initially, Latin music and dance were one of the ways people celebrated victory or harvest. Later, they gradually developed a way for young people to express their love for each other. The irresistible charm finally made Latin dance popular in the world.


芭蕾舞是用音乐、舞蹈手法来表 演戏剧情节,芭蕾,一项崇高的 艺术,往往能给人带来崇高的艺 术感,具有很强观赏性,以及艺 术感。 

Foreign ballet performance Ballet is a musical, dance technique to perform dramatic plots, ballet, a sublime art, can often bring a noble sense of art, has a strong ornamental, and artistic sense.


肚皮舞是非常女性的舞蹈,肚皮舞必需在平滑 的地板,赤足舞蹈,配合音乐,以极快速,错 综复杂之感性肢体动作,快速的舞步,一如欧 美的狐步舞般,交叉摇摆的舞姿,时而优雅、 时而感性、妩媚娇柔,时而傲酷,神秘,肚皮 舞迷人的特资,令人目不暇接。 

Foreign belly dance Belly dance is a very female dance, belly dance must be in the smooth floor, barefoot dance, with music, with extremely fast, intricate sensual limb movements, fast dance steps, as the European and American fox-like, cross swing dance, Sometimes elegant, sometimes sensual, feminine and charming, sometimes proud, mysterious, belly dance charming special, dizzying.


草裙舞,又名“呼拉舞”,是一种注重手脚和 腰部动作的舞曲。草裙舞是夏威夷最有代表性 的活动了,它的表演形式多种多样。草裙舞和 花环被称为夏威夷两大象征。独具特色的草裙 舞以其古老的风韵、动听的乐曲、优美的舞姿 和强烈的动感而闻名于世。它不仅是现实的艺 术还有别具特色的历史渊源。

Foreign Hula Hula, also known as “Hula dance”, is a kind of dance music that focuses on the hands and feet and the waist. Hula is Hawaii’s most iconic event, and its variety of forms of performance. Hula and wreaths are called the two symbol of Hawaii. Hula unique dance with its ancient charm, beautiful music, beautiful dance and strong dynamic world- famous. It is not only a realistic art but also a distinctive historical source.

时间:2021-10-3 编辑:庆典公司


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